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湖南长沙喜马拉雅音乐喷泉公司带你认识世界著名喷泉 系列八

世界著名的七大奇迹之一 泰姬陵,是莫卧儿(Mughal)王朝第五代皇帝沙贾汗为其爱妃建造的。慕塔芝玛(MumtazMahal)是沙贾汗的第二个皇妃,她为皇帝生育很多孩子后最终死于难产。她临终前的愿望是拥有一处漂亮的陵寝。沙贾汗是个有情有意的皇帝爱妃的亡故使他悲痛万分一夜间白了头发。为全力实现爱妃的遗愿动用了数万名工人,用了22年时间为爱妃建造了这座就举世无双的陵寝。陵寝的主体建筑用纯白大理石砌建而成,穆斯林风格的拱券四周用各种珍贵的玉石镶嵌出美丽的图案。水景的应用是莫卧儿王朝建筑的特点,建筑物四周都开凿有四通八达的水道,水道两旁植有果树和柏树,分别象征着生命和死亡。莫卧儿建筑还有一个特点就是绝对的对称。建筑本身是对称的,建筑群的布局也是对称的。陵寝的东面有一座朝西的清真寺,是为了拜祭用的。

The fountains of the Taj Mahal are a part of the char-bagh garden. 该喷泉起到了美化的莫卧儿花园王国重要作用。 The fountains played a major role in beautifying the garden in the Mughal kingdom. 大约有52个喷泉从正门连续向陵墓的主要基地。 There are around 52 fountains in a row from the main gate to the base of the main mausoleum. 25喷泉是从大门到字符中心巴格和有一个附近的炭火巴格中心平台喷泉。 25 fountains are from the main gate to the centre of the char-bagh and there is one fountain near the char-bagh central platform. 相同数量的喷泉,是对字符的另一边,对陵园的主要基地巴格。 Same number of fountains is on the other side of the char-bagh towards the base of the main mausoleum. 但有趣的是知道如何喷泉是在那些日子里当时没有电源下运行。 It is interesting to know how fountains were operated during those days when there was no power supply.

多少喷泉是在泰姬陵花园呢? How many fountains are there in the Taj Garden? 泰姬陵花园拥有超过66喷泉。 The Taj Garden has more than 66 fountains. 经营的喷泉从日出到日落,以加强美爱的丰碑。 The fountains are operated from the sunrise to sunset to enhance the beauty of the monument of love. 环境变得更舒适由于淡水的喷泉。 The environment becomes more pleasant due to the fresh water of the fountains. 25个喷泉,从大门的基础上开始向中央Charbagh平台的基础。 There are 25 fountains starting from the base of the main gate to the base of the central Charbagh platform. 其他25喷泉从Charbagh到主体陵墓的中央平台的其他基地。 Other 25 fountains are from the other base of the Charbagh central platform till the base of the main mausoleum. 另外,还有一些在关于中央大理石平台和水池喷泉周围。 Also, there are fountains in the pond on the central marbled platform and around it. 这使得泰姬陵看起来更美丽。 That makes the Taj look more beautiful.